Ellen Maria Cárdenas –
Healer & Transformational Spiritual Coach

Guiding you with deep healing, divine activation of your innate spiritual gifts & coaching to de-construct your limiting beliefs 
so that you can re-emerge into this world as the power-house healer you are.

logotyp Söderberg & partners Benify

Client feedback

I am a healer, mindfulness teacher and spiritual life coach here to guide you to live the authentic life meant for you, where you effortlessly communicate with your spirit helpers and know the techniques to heal yourself, your family and the planet.

My mission is to ignite souls like you to operate from love instead of fear by guiding you through your spiritual awakening, healing core wounds and trauma and re-connecting you to your true essence and soul path so that you can start living fully.

You will never again have to ask yourself “What am I supposed to do with my life?”.

The 1 Month Intensive - Mastering your gifts

Are you ready to deconstruct the facade you built for yourself, based on fears and other people’s projections? It’s time to leave the operating-mode based on fear behind. Because you are ready to soar! 

The 1 Month Intensive Coaching is a highly individualised program in which I will help you ignite your own power, heal deep seated wounds and trauma and re-connect to your true essence and soul path so that you can create your dream life.

You can expect lots of new knowledge and activated healing and spiritual gifts.

This 1 Month Intensive Coaching Program includes:

  • 4 x 75 min. highly individualized coaching sessions
  • Qustionnaires prior to every session to get the most out of our time together
  • Personalised homework between sessions
  • Support between sessions

A great place to start your transformation
is to heal your core wounds

Reiki Healing

Soft, deep healing that suits everyone. Lowers blood pressure, reduces pain, worry and anxiety and is pleasant and relaxing.
Also reiju for you who practice Reiki.

  • 45/60 minutes
  • 750 sek/75 €/75 usd
  • 500 sek/50 €/50 usd for new clients
  • Online or in person
  • Swedish/English

Free 45 minute Call

This call is for you who are on the verge of stepping into a higher version of yourself and have done a lot of healing and spiritual work, and now are ready to uplevel.
You can sense a breakthrough is close, and you need an expert guide to walk you through this gateway and to find out what’s required of you to pass.

  • Free
  • Online
  • Swedish/English

Shamanic Healing & Guidance

Do you have a pressing need for healing?

This session is for you if you are experiencing a major blockage or near break-through. Very potent healing with major positive shifts

  • 75 minutes
  • 950 sek/100 €/100 usd
  • Online or in person
  • Swedish/English

Awaken your own healing ability

The Reiki Foundations Coaching Program is a highly individualised, 1-Month program in which you will activate your own Reiki Healing abilitiy and receive the skilled guidance and support you need to unlock your full potential and become the Reiki healer you dream of being.

You will walk away from this program as a Reiki healer – able to give Reiki to yourself, your family, pets and friends.  Every time you feel stressed or in pain, you have Reiki to soothe yourself and your nervous system. A scientifically proven method for reducing pain, anxienty and blood pressure, forever at your hands!

The Reiki Foundations Coaching Program includes:

  • 3 x 90 min. highly individualized sessions where I activate Reiki in you
  • Forms prior to every session to get the most  out of our time together
  • Personalised homework between sessions
  • Email support between sessions

What's going on


Morgonyoga på Stora torget!

Morgonyoga med healing – onsdagar 7.30-8-15 Nästa vecka startar morgonyoga…

Smidigare bokningar med Bokadirekt!

Jag är glad att meddela att jag har övergått till…

Upptäck fördelarna med mina nya paketerbjudanden för healing

Nu finns det fina paketerbjudanden för både Reiki och shamansk…

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