28 days of clutter clearing

- Clear your clutter and create your dream life
Are you feeling weighed down by your home? Is clutter eating away at your energy, or do the rooms feel off?
Have you ever started clearing out stuff, but ended up with a bigger mess than before? Or started but got stuck immediatley, because you didn’t know how to get rid of the stuff? Should I sell it? Leave it at the recycling station? Or give it to someone? Maybe you wanted to get rid of something, but it was a gift…. or you inherited it from your grand parents… guilty feelings arise and you end up keeping stuff that you netiher love or use. If this is you , you are not alone!
This transformational program is designed to help you identify what is clutter in your home and how to clear it with intention and insight so that it never comes back. You will learn how your home is a direct extension of you and how to clear clutter with a spiritual perspecitve.
With simple yet effective techniques to handle clutter, you will week by week see your home transform, as well as heal that which is creating the clutter in the first place.
As a result, you will have a home that you love and feel comfortable in, and also a lot less time spent on searching for stuff, cleaning and organising.
A soulful approach to clutter clearing
For 28 days, we’ll journey together through what home really means to you and what kind of home would nourish your soul. We will gently explore what limiting beliefs and patterns make you keep clutter as well as learn simple yet effective techniques to clear it.
Your home is an outer representation of you, and by clearing out heavy and negative energy, you will feel better too.

- what to expect
Through this program, you will:
- Learn how the energy of your home affects you and what underlying beliefs and thought patterns result in clutter.
- Connect with your home guardian, the spiritual helper in your home that can guide you in how to create a dream home for you
- Clear away things that do not serve you – And experience more room, less time spent on cleaning, sorting and mending of stuff that you neither use or love.
- Discover the tools and practices to keep your home clutter free forever!
- Sessions in english or swedish / på svenska eller engelska
28 days of clutter clearing your home - to get rid of heavy energy and invite in inspiration and joy!
How it works
The program is laid out over a month with a total of five occasions, followed by a shorter follow-up approximately one month after the program ends. Each session is 1.5 hours and we meet either at my studio at S:t Olofsgatan 11 A or online. Between the occasions, you get various clearing missions that lead to the next session. Between sessions, I’ll check in with you on how it’s going via the Telegram app and help if problems arise.
Session 1 – Preparations for clearing
We start with an interview where you get to answer questions about your life now and how clutter affects it. Here we also plan upcoming meetings so that it suits you. Before this session, you have sent me photos of your home as it looks today as well as a hand-drawn floor plan. The floor plan does not have to be to scale and accurate, it is enough that it gives a picture of the layout of your home.
Session 2 – Explore the energy
The purpose of this session is to explore the energy in your home, your own energy, what you would like to release into your life and what you would like to have/get.
We start with an inner journey, a kind of guided meditation, where you meet the spirit/energy of your home. In the journey, we go through the rooms in your home and feel how they feel.
We decide which area of your life to clear first based on what you experienced in the inner journey. And also how the cleaning should go – room by room, category by category or everything related to a certain question? We also post a plan for the next 28 days and in more detail for the next seven days.
You will receive a diary from me in which you write continuously for the next seven days:
Today I clear………………………..…
Today I release…………………… from my life
Today I bring……………………………… into my life
Session 3 – A home you love
What does it mean to have a home you love? What do you associate with the word “home” and what feelings do you want in your home?
At our third meeting, we talk about what happened last week. What worked, what didn’t? How did the diary go? We look at the result: how does the home feel now? We also take an inner journey where we explore your associations with the word “home”. What does home mean to you? What would you like home to mean? What would a home you love feel like? And how can this feeling be created in your current home? In the meditation, we go through your home room by room and ask the question “what needs to be changed so that this room feels fantastic?”.
As usual, we make a plan for the coming week and choose the next area to clear.
Session 4 – A home for the soul
Here we explore your desires, so that you can create the perfect energy in your home.
As usual, we look at the week that went by, what went well and what went less well. And then we reflect on how home feels now.
The inner journey goes to the future – a future where you feel completely at home in your home, at home with yourself and at home in the universe. We discuss different ways to bring this feeling into your home and what kind of clearing can help. You are also tasked with finding a room (or part of a room) at home that, by clearing and adding to, becomes absolutely perfect for you. It will be your safe place and your inspiration when you continue working on the rest of the home.
We conclude with a plan for the coming week and a focus for your clutter clearing.
Session 5 – A life you love
What would a life you love include and how can clutter clearing help?
We start with reflecting on the week that has passed and how your home feels at this point.
We make an inner journey to the future where you have an absolutely fantastic life. We discuss ways to bring this feeling into your home and how decluttering can contribute to it. Depending on what you have seen in your inner journey, we make additional inner journeys with a focus on time clutter, relationship clutter or perhaps thought clutter. We also reconnect with the spirit of the home and see if there is anything more that needs to be done.
Concluding with a plan for the week, which will be the last week of the program.
About a month after the last meeting, we see or hear each other for follow-up. What effects do you see from the clutter clearing and do you feel like you’re done or is there more work to do? How has your life, feelings and energy changed because of the clearing? Some effects occur immediately while others take longer.
Investment in Your Clutter Clearing journey
The total cost for this life-changing program is 5,900 SEK / 490 euro
Are You Ready to Begin?
This is your moment to say yes to clear away the clutter that keeps you from living your dream life!